Name & Surname
SA ID Number
Phone Number
Email Address
Country of Permanent Residence
HPCSA Registration Number
Professional Credentials
Please state your relevant qualifications and experience
Year achieved
Insured's Professional Activities
Please select your current title for which you require cover
Community Medical Officer
Medical Officer Grade 1
Medical Officer Grade 2
Medical Officer Grade 3
If you have chosen to specialise, please indicate your specialty
State Hospital
Private Hospital
% Time spent in your professional capacity
Hours per week spent
Do you require additional cover for work/services rendered other than state?
I am/we are authorised by each of the Insureds to sign this Proposal Form.
The above statements are correct, true and complete.
No information material to this Proposal Form has been withheld.
I/we have read the important facts which you have put before me/us and I/we understand the advice given in relation to the duty of disclosure.
I declare that the above is correct and true.
I agree to the
Privacy Policy
By submitting, you consent to Dire Wolf contacting you.