R825 per horse / month (incl. VAT)

VIP Cover: R130,000 p.a.

  • VIP Equine - Immediate cover for accidents. Three-month waiting period for illness and lameness. Six-month waiting period for dental conditions. One-year waiting period applies for claims caused by or related to growths, lumps, cancerous tumours, benign nodules, sarcoids and melanomas.
  • Any conditions that first manifest or are diagnosed during the waiting periods will be considered pre-existing conditions and will not be covered.
  • Requires a veterinary certificate

R1,236 per horse / month (incl. VAT)

VIP Cover: R130,000 p.a.

Critical Care: R80,000 p.a.

Mortality: R20,000 p.a.

  • Mortality & Critical Care Cover incepts with immediate effect.
  • VIP Equine - Immediate cover for accidents. Three-month waiting period for illness and lameness. Six-month waiting period for dental conditions. One-year waiting period applies for claims caused by or related to growths, lumps, cancerous tumours, benign nodules, sarcoids and melanomas.
  • Any conditions that first manifest or are diagnosed during the waiting periods will be considered pre-existing conditions and will not be covered.
  • Requires a veterinary certificate

Amount depends on cover selected

VIP Cover: R130,000 p.a.

Critical Care: Selected amount

Mortality: Selected amount

  • Mortality & Critical Care Cover incepts with immediate effect.
  • VIP Equine - Immediate cover for accidents. Three-month waiting period for illness and lameness. Six-month waiting period for dental conditions. One-year waiting period applies for claims caused by or related to growths, lumps, cancerous tumours, benign nodules, sarcoids and melanomas.
  • Any conditions that first manifest or are diagnosed during the waiting periods will be considered pre-existing conditions and will not be covered.
  • Vet certificates for Mortality Sum Insureds over R100,000.00 or if the horse is 16 years and older. VIP Equine also requires a veterinary certificate.



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Underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Company Limited (Reg. No. 1952/003004/06), a Licensed Non-Life Insurer and an authorised Financial Services Provider